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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best

Online Learning

Online Learning at Rooks Heath School

Digital technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. The use of technology can stimulate discussion, encourage creativity and promote effective learning.

We use a range of online learning platforms in school and hope that some of the guides on this page are helpful to you.

If you need further help with MFA or any other area of online learning, please speak with your Form Tutor who can either assist you or find the right person for you to speak to.

If you are a parent / carer and need to contact school for assistance, please either e-mail or call the school switchboard on 020 8422 4765 and we'll be happy to help.

Student Guide 1 - Logging into the SharePoint Site

Student Guide 2 – Accessing Class Sites in Microsoft Teams