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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best

New Year 7 - Transition



Hello, and welcome to Rooks Heath School!

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Year 6 students and their families, who will be joining our community in September. We know that this can be a very stressful time for students and parents, but we are working hard behind the scenes to help make your transition as smooth as possible. Our dedicated team is looking forward to getting to know you and helping you to make the jump to secondary school.



Tuesday 11th June - TRANSITION MEETING 

We would like to invite you to a 15-minute interview on Tuesday 11th June. You will meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or with one of the new Year 7 Tutor Team. It will be a welcome opportunity for us all to connect and share information about the school and about your child.

We will let you know the time of your interview nearer to 11th June.


Arrival: 9.30am. Your child will use the double entrance gates, which are near the parade of shops. Staff and prefects will be there to help and guide them. The day will involve meeting their Head of Year and Form Tutor, getting to know their new class, attending lessons, and understanding the expectations and the values of the school.

Your child must bring with them:

  • Their school bag.
  • A pencil case, with pens and pencils.
  • A pair of trainers (to be kept in their school bag).
  • A water bottle and a healthy snack, for morning break time.

On this day, the school will provide a complimentary lunch.

If your child owns a mobile phone, this must be switched off for the full day, while with us.

Dismissal: 2:30pm. We hope that your child will come home happy and excited after their first full day in Secondary School! You will be able to pick your child up from Rooks Heath School.  

Your child will bring home a Welcome Pack, with essential information for you to read and keep. The only document which needs to be returned the same evening is the Administration of Medication letter and consent form (if applicable).


The New Intake Parents Evening is intended for parents/carers. Please arrive early and at the latest at 5:15pm for a 5:30pm start. There will be a talk in the Hall by the Headteacher and Head of Year 7, followed by a meeting with the Form Tutors. There will also be an opportunity for you to meet members of staff from the Learning Development Department and Welfare if you wish.

If you would like to purchase uniform, calculators, or pencil cases, these will be on sale from 4:30pm

Please bring with you the following document (if applicable), which will be in the Welcome Pack given to your child earlier in the day. This is:

  • the Administration of Medication form, if your child is required to take medication during the school day.


New Year 7s will attend on Tuesday 3rd September from 8:45am until 12:30pm. 

Please note the arrangements below: 

Arrival: Year 7 students will arrive at 8:45am.

Uniform: Students are expected to wear their Rooks Heath School uniform. 

Equipment: School bag and pencil case.

Mobile phones:  Your child will need to bring in their mobile phone to set up their IT account.  Please allow your child to bring in their phone for the day with some data available.  Please ensure that your child has downloaded the Microsoft Authenticator app to their phone beforehand.  Your child will be supervised using their phone to set up their IT account; before and after this process, it must be switched off and kept in their school bag.  

If your child does not have a mobile phone or, if they are unable to download the Microsoft Authenticator App, please contact us in advance to let us know via

Food/Drink: A water bottle is advised. You may wish to provide your child with a light healthy snack.

Dismissal: 12:30pm. We kindly request that the pavement outside the main school gate (nearest to Reception) is kept as clear as possible. Please make the necessary arrangements to have your child collected on time.  

No other students will be in school that day.  Whilst at school, they will have their biometric fingerprint taken and have their IT account set up.

If you have any questions about Rooks Heath School, please feel free to contact us via our email address: or call the school office on 020 8422 4675. Please also connect with us on our Social Media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn, and our You Tube channel.

We look forward to working closely with you over the next few years on your child’s Secondary School journey with us!


To the right, you will find pages with very important and useful information to help you make a great start with us and below a video titled 'Moving to Rooks Heath School'.  Our former Year 7s talk about their experience of transitioning from primary school to Rooks Heath and you will also find some parent testimonials.  

Ms Goddard 

As a parent of a Year 7 student, I can only express great satisfaction with how smoothly my daughter has settled in and thrived at Rooks Heath. The transition from primary to secondary is daunting, but the school’s nurturing environment ensures students feel safe, supported and happy. Rooks Heath is dedicated to the holistic development of each child and prioritises their wellbeing alongside their academic success. 

Mrs Suresh 

Our Rooks Heath journey started in 2020, when my elder daughter joined in Year 7. The 1st year was a bumpy ride for all of us due to Covid. But the school handled it really well.  

From Year 8, my daughter made lots of friends and developed good relationships with the teachers. She is thriving! The school offers lots of extra support, for example maths club and science club, and teachers are always available when children need them. Staff are very knowledgeable and know how to work with each individual child. The school organises lots of trips and outings to extend children’s learning, such as careers workshops and trips to Oxford University. 

As we were extremely happy with the school, our younger daughter joined the school Year 7 last year. 

When it comes to discipline, the school and Headteacher are on point, and they take it very seriously. I am very proud that my children are attending Rooks Heath School. 

Thank you once again for everything you and the whole school do for our children.  


If you have any further questions, you can email us

We are very excited to meet you in September!

Rooks Heath Transition Team