Most Able Students
The phrase ‘Most Able’ refers to the top 5-10% of pupils in a given year group based on academic potential from KS2 data, CATS data and attainment in lessons.
At Rooks Heath School there are two ways of identifying Most Able students. Initial identification is carried out using Key Stage 2 SATs data and CATs results. A letter is sent to parents or carers informing them of their child’s inclusion on the register usually by December of the student's time in Year 7.
Students on the Most Able Register will receive enrichment activities to broaden their horizons. These will include:
• Years 7-10 attend a ‘Powerful Knowledge’ curriculum, where each year group attends sessions in tutorial time based on broadening their knowledge of literature, history, art, music and culture.
• Visits to places of interest such as The National Gallery, the Design Museum, Science Museum, the London Transport Museum are offered to students in Years 7-9.
• University visits are offered to Most Able Year 9 and Year 10 students, including Oxbridge.
• Year 11 attend sessions on exam skills, stress management and will be given the opportunity to visit Cambridge University.
• Taking part in the Oxford Inspire Programme. A course designed by Oxford University to raise aspirations and offer a broader and more challenging curriculum outside of lessons.
Students on the Most Able Register will also have their progress monitored in the following ways to ensure they succeed:
• Students’ progress is monitored according to their Flight Paths or Predicted Grades.
• Students’ attitude to learning is also monitored by the use of monitoring grades in termly reports.
• Most Able students who achieve highly (either meeting or exceeding their expected progress) may receive reward points and praise both verbal and in the form of postcards sent home.
• Classroom provision for Most Able students is monitored by the Teaching and Learning team as part of the ongoing cycle of lesson observations, learning walks and book scrutinies in the School.
Miss N Cohen
Most Able Coordinator