Modern Foreign Languages - German
German has always been a very popular subject at Rooks Heath, and it is offered from Year 7 to Year 11. On entry to Year 7, students study French and German, as a Modern Foreign Language, and are taught in mixed ability classes. Our aim is to help students develop their use of German for practical purposes, and to help them develop an appreciation of languages, of other cultures and of language learning in general. Learning a language equips students with transferable skills, such as problem solving, the ability to infer and deduce meaning, memorisation and promote independent learning. Employers consistently rank skills in Modern Foreign Languages as among the most desirable in an ever-competitive global jobs market. Studying a language, therefore, gives you a life skill as well as a qualification. Students will develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills through a wide range of activities. These include class oral work, pair work, group work, acting out dialogues, interactive vocabulary learning, singing songs, playing language games. Students are also able to use interactive computer resources, such as Canvas and Quizlet, and also German learning websites, such as
We use the Echo series of text books: Echo 1 (in Year7), Echo 2 (in Year 8) and Echo 3 (in Year 9).
The department offers a variety of after school activities, for example: Double Club German, STEM trips to the Goethe Institute and National History Museum in London, as well as help in Homework Club. German students work on projects, such as Meine Familie, Meine Stadt, Meine Schule and Projekt Deutschland.