Careers and Employability
It is believed that as many as 65% of today's students will be employed in jobs that don’t yet exist, which means preparing our young people for the future of work has never been more important. We at Rooks Heath recognise the significance of a meaningful careers education which provides the students with the knowledge and skills to understand themselves, and the opportunities and pathways available to them. We aim to prepare and inspire them, in areas of careers and employability so that they can make successful choices to manage the transitions in learning and the move into work.
We are committed to following The Gatsby Benchmarks which underpin the government’s Careers Strategy and the Department of Education’s guidance to schools on meeting their statutory responsibility in careers guidance published in December 2017.
How can you support the careers programme?
There are a number of ways in which you or your company can support current students in developing their careers knowledge and understanding:
- Deliver a talk to our current students about your profession and company.
- Take part in a workshop, helping students with employability skills.
- Attend our careers fair to showcase your company.
Further details of our provision can be found by clicking on the links below.
The Careers Programme at Rooks Heath aims to ensure that all students are well prepared for the future. All students will:-
- Develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their skills and abilities.
- Gain a deeper knowledge of the range of choices, pathways and opportunities available to them.
- Understand expectations from employers and how to improve their employability by looking at ways of finding and getting work.
- Learn about Careers and Employability through the curriculum.
- Learn and understand unbiased information and trends on current Labour Market Information.
- Take part in work related activities in and out of school.
- Have encounters with further education, higher education, apprenticeship and vocational education providers.
- Receive careers guidance that addresses the individual needs of each student.
- Be supported to successfully manage change during key transition periods.
- Learn to make decisions wisely about their future.
In addition, Rooks Heath aims to involve parents/ carers in careers education by providing relevant information through the website, written communications, social media, MCAS and information evenings.
The programme may be delivered through any of the following:-
- PSE lessons
- Assemblies
- Careers fairs
- Information evenings
- Skills workshops
- Subject workshops
- Special events
- Enrichment days
- Trips
- Visits
- Form time
- Employer led workshops and talks
Useful Links
Reed Learning - A guide to starting your career
Students and their parents may consult our specialist careers staff at any time or use our extensive careers library which is situated in the school library.
Telephone: 0208 422 4675
Mrs S Subra
Assistant Headteacher - STEM and Careers Lead
Ms R Howells
Careers Adviser
Mrs N Visram
Parent Governor