Ofsted: 'Teaching is good, leading to pupils achieving good outcomes in their work and examinations'. 'The sixth form is good. Students make good progress'.
Ofsted: ‘Pupils from all backgrounds are welcomed and treated equally well'.
Ofsted: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is good. Attendance is above the national average’.
Ofsted: 'Leaders are ambitious, setting high expectations for achievement and behaviour. Pupils from all backgrounds are welcomed and treated equally well. Pupils’ personal development and welfare are outstanding'.
75.6% of our students are entered for the Ebacc
70% of our students achieve a grade 4 and above in English
70.6% of all A level grades being grade A* - C
The final day of term is Friday 20th December and students will be dismissed from the site in a staggered way at the following times:
• Y7 and Y8: 12:10pm
• Y9 and Y10: 12:20pm
• Y11, Y12 and Y13: 12:30pm
Click below for further information.