Internal Exams
At Rooks Heath School, we run internal mock exams in the same way that we run public exams, so that students can practice and experience the formal environment of public exams and thus be well-prepared when they sit a public exam.
Students are given an individual timetable and seating plan, together with full instructions regarding conduct during Mock Exams.
- You should not bring mobile phones into School at all, or you should leave them switched off in your bag, which must be closed securely. Any student wearing a watch must remove it place it in their bag. Alternatively, you can hand either device to an invigilator for safekeeping. Any device found on your person will be confiscated immediately.
- You must bring all equipment you need for each mock exam. Equipment should be kept in a see-through plastic pencil case. You should only use BLACK pens. Remember your Maths equipment! Calculator lids must be removed and left in bags. Bags and coats are to be left at the back of the Gyms.
- Once you enter the exam room you must be silent, find your seat, sit down and wait for instructions from the Exams Officer and the Invigilators. You should be silent before, during and after the exam, until you have left the room.
- If you need to bring water it should be in a clear plastic bottle with no labels on the bottle. All other bottles, pots of Vaseline and other sundry items will be confiscated until the end of the Assessment.
- You must go back to your timetabled lesson immediately after your morning exam, go straight home after afternoon exams, or straight to your Period 4 and 5 lessons if you don't have an exam. You go to lunch as normal.
- If you break any of the rules you will be removed from the exam room. You are reminded that unacceptable behaviour in these Assessments will not be tolerated and sanctions will be imposed.
- If you concerned about any aspect of these Assessments you should see Mrs. Chan, Exams Officer, in the Exams Office AG9 with any questions you may have.