Offsite Activities
At Rooks Heath School we try to ensure that the students are given every opportunity to extend their studies and take part in trips and visits to a wide variety of venues in order to enhance the curriculum as well as promote good moral values and fellowship. School trips and visits make pleasant changes to class room-based activities and stimulate the development of the whole student. We are very proud of the fact that we run such a mixture of activities and we find that students are very enthusiastic and eager to take part. Activities can vary widely from a trip to the local shops, a day at the Natural History Museum; an evening trip to the theatre or a residential field trip to The Isle of Purbeck. During the last year more than 160 activities were organised. Students are encouraged to write about their experiences which we sometimes publish on the School website.
The School recognises the importance of providing the opportunity to expand student horizons and the chance to learn through experiencing learning outside the School. These can prove to be invaluable and rewarding experiences for our students, which enrich their lives.
All trips are carefully planned, in line with DfE Health and Safety Regulations, ensuring that accurate risk assessments are completed in advance. This enables the School to foresee any possible dangers and difficulties and to make plans accordingly. All staff receive specific training before they can take part in any activities and must have extensive experience before they can actually lead a trip.
All students are given an equal opportunity to join in these activities regardless of physical or financial constraints. Where necessary, voluntary contributions are requested to cover the costs of an activity and, as long as the system is not abused, this arrangement allows everybody interested in taking part, the opportunity to do so.
Students and their parent/carer complete a consent form when they join the School. If you have yet to complete one then complete the forms below and return to BF12.