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Rooks Heath School

Rooks Heath School

Strive to be your best

  • Rooks Heath isAspirational

    Ofsted: 'Teaching is good, leading to pupils achieving good outcomes in their work and examinations'. 'The sixth form is good. Students make good progress'.

  • Rooks Heath isInclusive

    Ofsted: ‘Pupils from all backgrounds are welcomed and treated equally well'.

  • Rooks Heath isExemplary

    Ofsted: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is good. Attendance is above the national average’.

  • Rooks Heath isAmbitious

    Ofsted: 'Leaders are ambitious, setting high expectations for achievement and behaviour. Pupils from all backgrounds are welcomed and treated equally well. Pupils’ personal development and welfare are outstanding'.

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Welcome toRooks Heath School

Rooks Heath has a warm and inviting atmosphere where students build valuable relationships with their teachers and other staff as they are guided on their individual learning pathways. We have a broad and ambitious curriculum that provides choices for all students and a dedicated staff that provides outstanding teaching to ensure that every child strives to be their best and achieve success.

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Our Success

  • 75

    75.6% of our students are entered for the Ebacc

  • 70

    70% of our students achieve a grade 4 and above in English

  • 70

    70.6% of all A level grades being grade A* - C